Towards Emptiness

I love the changes in seasons. As much as I enjoy spring blossoms and warmth of summer, I also enjoy colors of fall and the snow in winter. In Germany, November and December are made more special by the many Christmas markets in the towns, big and small, everywhere.

On one such day in December of 2019, I and my girlfriend decided to visit the Christmas market on the small island of Frauenchiemsee. The day kept changing colors between weak sunshine, cloudy grey and even a winter drizzle at some point, if I remember correctly. Walking around the island enjoying mulled wine and hot dogs, I came to this pier at some point… I could only see the grey skies and the grey waters. Fog shrouded the distant mountains on this winter day. And yet in this emptiness there was peace. The chaos and bustle of the Christmas market … all the lights, laughter, and merriment was behind me – ahead of me just nothing really.

Rumi says, “Everything is emptiness … In this world of trickery, emptiness is what your heart wants.”

Emptiness, as a word, has such negative connotations, right? But isn’t emptiness what you need to be at peace?

On the lighter side – for any fan of Lord of the Rings, the symbolic departure to the Blessed Realm starts with the Elves sailing away from Grey Havens … this photo should be an apt (literal) visual of the Grey Havens, no? .. 🙂

You can buy a high-res digital copy of this photo here.

Have a wonderful Sunday evening and till next time…


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